Burlington Educators Stand with Everett Teachers
Word travelled that a meet-and-greet with MTA President Merrie Najimy and Vice President Max Page at the Parlin School ended abruptly when the local police were called to disband the crowd. Within hours, the news had spread to the MTA community.
Diana Marcus, President of the Burlington Educators’ Association, reached out to the ETA and said they were planning a show of solidarity with the Everett Teachers.
The BEA is supplied doughnuts outside each school the following morning and members are took pictures of themselves with their coffee and doughnuts outside their schools. These images were posted all over social media with #WeSupportETA and #DoNutPushTeachersAround.
“The Everett teachers association would like to thank our brothers and sisters of the Burlington education association by their outstanding show of support, solidarity and mutual love of donuts!” said Kim Auger, ETA President. “Many of our members have commented to our executive committee about the tremendous outpouring of love from Burlington. Sharing your Facebook posts allowed so many to see the support that we have from friends and extended MTA family. We could see and feel the love and support beyond our community!”